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Bad Headlines Cost You Money!

Today I’m going to reveal a profit killing, advertising blunder

even major conglomerates like Hyatt hotels are guilty

of committing.

Disregard this as no big deal, and it will hit you in the

pockets big time.

Take heed to it, and watch your profits skyrocket.

So let’s dive


Out of all the elements necessary to produce a persuasive

sales message, nothing beats a killer headline.

Sure you need a sticky lead…powerful product presentation…

undeniable proof elements…premiums, offers…iron-clad

guarantees pants on fire urgency….and a powerful close.

However a killer new headline can boost response and ad spend

ROI 25%…35%…even 45%.

In fact, Olgilvy ad agency founder, David Olgilvy is quoted stating:

         “On the average, five times as many people read the headline as

           read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you

           have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.”

           -David Olgilvy

Here’s why headlines are so crucial.

Your readers depend on headlines to cut through clutter

In a noisy market place… and make them aware of the

articles and ads most relevant to them.

The average person is exposed to between 4,000 and 10,000

ads, daily. Most of which are irrelevant to her needs.

Why Confuse Them With

A Dopey Headline?

Like Hyatt hotels. In a back cover ad, the most expensive real estate in

the magazine world. Hyatts’ ad possessed an unclear light-colored background.

With the following ad copy: “Pate. Pillows. Are GEESE

great or what?

Awful. If Hyatts’ name hadn’t been mentioned, the reader would have

no indication of what the ad was even selling.

Here’s three sure-fire, templates you can use

for your next headline.

1. The Lazy _________ Way to __________.

This templates works well with audiences who have a frustrating

Itch that needs to be scratched.

Few people will admit to being lazy, but most of your prospects

will jump at the chance to get a quick and easy solution to

their most pressing problems.

E.X. Joe Karbos’ book

The Lazy Man’s Way To Riches.

2. Give Me [short time period] and I’ll give you________.

This template is heavy on the appeal. It promises an irresistible

benefit with a small time commitment.


“Give me 30 seconds, and I’ll give you 3 iron-clad ways to

end your knee pain.”

3. Who Else Wants [blank]?

One of the leading principles in Robert Cialdini’s cult classic,

“Influence” is social proof.

This formula implies social proof, by suggesting a pre-existing

demand for the product or service.


Who Else Wants Spicy Tuna? 

With ad costs steadily rising……vague…unclear…or irrelevant messaging,

will murder your bottom line.

Your advertising should leap off the screen, or page, grab your

Intended reader by the collar and lead them seamlessly

to a call to action.

If not, you can kiss your profits goodbye…as you watch your ad budget

go down the drain.

A few months back I tweaked the headline on an email campaign

for an Esthetician resulting in a 40% open rate.

The average across all industries is 21.33%, according to mail chimp.

That’s more than double the typical exposure from a simple

headline tweak.

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